UTILPROG: Debuggers, assemblers, hex editors, installing software etc.

  File name File description File size Modified
501. offcal.zip Offset Calculator v1.0 6448 2000-03-07 10:38:40
502. packx20.zip Xteq PackX v2.0 for VB 5/6 - Collection of free components 152190 1999-11-17 13:38:51
503. paintlib.zip Paintlib v2.4 - Portable C++ class library for image loading, saving and manipulation 1222214 2002-06-27 15:09:38
504. parsy100.zip The P-Array v1.0.0 - Java/C/C++ programming assistant 171001 1999-03-12 12:22:23
505. pas32v25.zip Pass32 v2.5 - 32bit Assembler 425362 2005-10-08 21:09:43
506. pascrf23.zip PASCREF v2.3 - Pascal cross-reference generator 24900 2000-05-15 13:20:56
507. pasdoc32.zip PASDOC for Win32 - Command-line application to create documentation of Pascal units 63494 2000-03-17 09:36:08
508. pasdodos.zip PASDOC for DOS - Command-line application to create documentation of Pascal units 56055 2000-03-17 09:36:09
509. pasm.zip PASM v2.01 - Util to allow to insert strings into ASM source 27986 1999-03-19 12:19:45
510. pass32nc.zip PASS v3.0 NC alpha 0.7 - 32 bit assembler for i386 50533 2000-04-07 10:28:52
511. pastahtm.zip PastaHTML - PAS source into HTML converter 39878 1998-05-28 09:45:36
512. pastoc13.zip PASTOC v1.3 - Convert Pascal to C (raw conversion) 12479 2000-03-10 11:45:47
513. patch.zip Make Patch and File Patch - DOS utils 10612 1997-10-20 10:37:21
514. patch011.zip Patching v0.11 - Patch Utility 26062 1996-01-19 07:57:12
515. patcher.zip Patcher v1.3 - File Patching Utility for Windows 122953 1997-12-08 12:06:38
516. pbastm.zip PBASTM - Collection of PAS source codes and BTM files 73737 1998-12-07 13:20:54
517. pbt225.zip Peer's BinTools v2.25 - Programmable binary file lister/patcher w/EXE-compiler 141548 2005-06-04 17:03:27
518. pcbhex13.zip PC Bin Hex v1.3 - BIN/HEX Convertor 46481 1995-06-26 08:32:10
519. pce32dll.zip Explanation how to write C/C++ DLL/s under Win32 47739 1996-11-18 10:31:56
520. pcl4c62.zip Personal Communications Library for C/C++ v6.2 158801 1999-02-01 13:21:47

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