UTILFILE: File managers, file processing utils, file deduplicators and uninstallers

  File name File description File size Modified
1161. omf51_11.zip OMF-51 Format Packer/Lister Plugin for Total Commander 68362 2003-06-24 14:54:52
1162. onew103.zip Open in new window plugin v1.03 for FAR 22522 2006-01-30 15:27:19
1163. onlane30.zip ONLANE v3.0 - Tiny File Finder 3922 1998-09-03 13:08:00
1164. oops102.exe Oops v1.02 - File auto-save tool for Win32 1461978 2004-05-25 13:56:18
1165. open20.zip Open v2.0 - Opens objects from the command line 64132 1997-12-04 09:14:28
1166. openfx24.zip openfx FAR Manager Editor Plugin 8771 2004-09-13 13:49:00
1167. oraclent.zip Simple Oracle Enterprise Manager v1.0 for FAR 551881 2003-03-03 14:49:19
1168. packmenu.zip Packmenu - DOS util that creates new User Menu for VC 21183 1998-08-25 11:47:55
1169. paftdr14.zip PAFTDR FAR Plugin v1.4 102071 1998-10-21 10:57:23
1170. pakngo.zip Pack'n Go v4.0 for Win - File splitter to series of diskettes 23718 1999-11-11 10:35:07
1171. pak_plug.zip PAK (archive format) plugin for Total Commander 38367 2002-12-19 14:40:48
1172. pankil14.zip PaneKiller v1.42 - Document navigation util for Win95/NT 327939 1999-11-18 10:37:12
1173. papar10.zip Paparazzo99 v1.0 - Uninstalling util for Win32 602512 1999-09-06 10:07:09
1174. parserat.zip Parserat v2.0 - Parse, convert & reorganize files and databases 973382 2001-08-30 12:46:38
1175. part-it.zip Part It v2.02 - File splitting util for Win32 445236 2000-09-04 13:29:33
1176. pathc400.zip PathCopy v4.0 - Shell extension for path copying to clipboard 159540 2002-01-11 09:52:11
1177. pbfar.zip Power Builder Plugin v2.7 for FAR Manager 109067 2004-12-22 10:50:52
1178. pbl_dump.rar PblDump - Power Builder Library Viewer v1.0.5 49220 2004-12-22 10:31:52
1179. pbopack.rar Operation Flashpoint PBO Format Plugin for Total Commander 28646 2004-09-13 11:51:45
1180. pc22eng.zip The Pinco's Commander v2.2 - NC clone for DOS 139867 2000-10-23 15:11:00

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